O. O. Dyka



The gynoecium micromorphology of Dipcadi brevifolium (Dipcadieae, Ornithogaloideae), Ornithogalum fimbriatum, Ornithogalum dubium, Ornithogalum orthophyllum subsp. kochii (Ornithogaleae, Ornithogaloideae) was studied. Three main parts of the ovary of the studied species were found: parenchymatous ovary base, ovary locules and ovary roof. In accordance witn W. Leinfellner concept of the gynoecium vertical zonality, it was established that this gynoecium consists of the following structural zones: synasci­diate, symplicate, hemisymplicate and asymplicate. The septal nectary has three separated cavities located on the septal radiuses, which extend from the ovary base to the roof, and opens an outward at the style base. The nectary of studied species has a zone of distinct nectary with congenitally closed nectary cavities in the synascidiate and symplicate zones, common nectary zone with postgenitally closed central part in the hemisymplicate zone and zone of distinct nectary (nectary split). Nectary deferent channels are located at the level of asymplicate zone of the gynoecium. The total height of the septal nectary does not exceed the height of the ovary locules in the studied species. The walls of the splits are covered with the same secretory epidermis as the walls of the septal nectary cavities.Therefore, the gynoecium of Dipcadi brevifolium, Ornithogalum fimbriatum, Ornithogalum dubium, Ornithogalum orthophyllum subsp. kochii can be determined as eusyncarpous in a broad sense with common septal nectary.


Ornithogaloideae, gynoecium, septal nectar, vertical zonality


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