Introduction. The highlands of the Ukrainian Carpathians belong to the territories with the highest concentration of rare species and coenotic diversity in Ukraine. Due to highland ecosystem transformation, a large number of populations and communities of rare species are under the threat of degradation and elimination.
Climate change. At present, effective growth and development of plants begins 2–3 weeks earlier compared to the 1980–90s. Sharp seasonal distribution of precipitation causes negative changes in the highland water-body hydrology regime affecting freshwater populations of plankton crustaceans and amphibians.
Demutative successions. During the first 10–20 years of the succession its influence on the structure and vitality of the majority of rare species populations is mostly positive, but 30–40 year-long demutations usually cause negative dynamics. Overgrowing results in the simplification of spatial structure and fragmentation, as well as decreasing of population density, disappearing of rare species from the community structure. Active protection measures should be locally implemented in protected territories: traditional type of grazing, mowing, and shrub or tree cutting in the cases of protection of extremely rare phytocoenoses and populations.
Anthropogenic impact. Intensive recreation pressure causes digressive changes in numerous communities, which are located along the popular tourist paths to the glacial lakes, mountain summits etc. Unfortunately, the systematic violation of the protection regime in the highland zone of the Ukrainian Carpathians is obvious nowadays. Gathering medicinal and ornamental species poses a serious threat. Uncontrolled increase in the number of recreants in the highland areas for the last 5 years has destroyed its aquatic ecosystems more than in the previous 30–40 years. Usage of vehicles for recreation purposes (4×4, quads and motorcycles) refers to significant destructive factors for highland ecosystems.
Protection measures. Population conservation and revival of communities is usually possible under the condition of moderate and short-term anthropogenic pressure. The visiting regime of the most popular highland sites must be put under control immediately, while mass ascensions must be completely forbidden.
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