O. T. Kuzyarin, M. R. Hrytsyna, B. V. Senchyna, I. P. Lubynets



It was found that the formation of species of “Bila Skelya” tract in the beech forest with rocky sandy outcrops counts 127 species of higher plants, including 121 species of vascular plants and 6 epigene mosses. Syntaxonomic composition (three meadow and forest plant groups), peculiarities of their ecological-coenotic structure and sozological value of the vegetation of the tract were explored.
Floristic core of plant groups of comunity Pinus sylvestris – Anthericum ramosum – Teucrium chamaedrys; comunity Pinus sylvestris – Teucrium chamaedrys – Abietinella abietina; comunity Pinus sylvestris – Anthericum ramosum – Abietinella abietina, form xerothermophilic herbaceous species distinctive for the class Trifolio-Geranietea, order Origanetalia and alliances Geranion sanguinei and Trifolion medii. Bordered on xerothermal bows, association of Dentario glandulosae-Fagetum Klika 1927 em. W. Mat. form 1964 forest vegetation of alliance Fagion sylvaticae, order Fagetalia sylvaticae, class Querco-Fagetea.
It was established that plant groups are at the stage of sylvatization and partially recreational succession followed by regressive changes in structure and species compo­sition (depletion of species diversity). The pines overgrowth on the slope is accompanied by changes in the illumination, hydrological and salt regime of the soil (acidification), which will lead to gradual displacement of xerothermophilic and psamophilic herbaceous species and a complete replacement of meadow class groups Trifolio-Geranietea on forest coenoses of Querco-Fagetea class. This process can be stopped only by regula­ting (limiting) the undergrowth of trees (by carrying out periodic log cabins).
Among the investigated species, four rare species of vascular plants from the Red Book of Ukraine were identified, in particular Botrychium lunaria (L.) Sw. (xerothermal bows), Listera ovata (L.) R. Br. (grouping of hygrophilous shrubs), Neottia nidus-avis (L.) R. Br. and Platanthera chlorantha (L.) Rich. (beech forest). Regionally rare species from the search area that require protection in Lviv region [14] contain: Alyssum gmelinii Jord., Anemone sylvestris L. and Festuca psammophila (Hacq. Ex Celak.) Fritsch, Pulmonaria mollis Wulf. ex Hornem. The species that are located on the border of their habitat or are rare for Roztochya are also of great sozological importance: Allium montanum F. W. Schmidt, Anthericum ramosum L., Gypsophila fastigiata L., Juniperus communis L.
Thus, in order to preserve valuable geocomplexes of “Bila Skelya” tract of 38 ha (47th quarter of the Maidan Forestry of the Starytskyj military forestry), it is recommend to transfer it to Yavoriv NNP for a permanent use.


ecological-cenotic structure, Trifolio-Geranietea, Querco-Fagetea, species saturation, rare species

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