N. P. Harasym, O. I. Bishko, S. M. Mandzynets, A. B. Heneha, M. B. Halan, V. P. Otchych, D. I. Sanahursky



The effects of histamine in 1 mg/kg and 8 mg/kg doses that correspond to the doses causing pathological effects at experimental conditions and of sodium hypochlorite in 5 mg/l dose – the lowest concentration of sodium hypochlorite that affects a body by oral administration, on the key enzymes of blood plasma antioxidant system were studied. It was found that histamine used in both concentrations intensified superoxide dismutase activity for 14 days. The simultaneous injections of histamine and sodium hypochlorite caused significant activation of superoxide dismutase in rats. Sodium hypochlorite received by rats with drinking solution caused the same effect. The catalase activity of blood plasma was not significantly affected by histamine, and its activity was significantly increased only under the influence of biogenic amine in 1 mg/kg dose on the 7th day of the experiment. Sodium hypochlorite caused a decline in catalase activity both in intact animals and in animals that received histamine injections subcutaneously. The injection of histamine in 1 mg/kg dose caused an increase in glutathione peroxidase activity on the 1st and 7th day of the experiment. Histamine in 8 mg/kg dose caused the intensification of glutathione peroxidase activity only on the 1st day, followed by the inhibition on the 14th day of the experiment. Sodium hypochlorite received by rats with drin­king solution led to general lowering of glutathione peroxydase activity in blood plasma.


rats, histamine, sodium hypochlorite, blood plasma, superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutation peroxydase

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