The spatial heterogeneity dynamics of indicator penetration resistance of sod-lithogenic soils on red-brown clays of the reculturated region of Nikopol manganese ore basin was studied within two years. Statistical regularities have been established in the formation of soil structure. The levels of spatial dependence of soil penetration resistance have been defined by means of geostatistical methods within layers to 50 cm depth. Horizonless morphological formation with horizontal linear dimensions of 3.34–4.50 m in 2012 and 7.14–8.02 m in 2013 have been identified on the basis of the layered mapping of spatial distribution of penetration resistance in the structure of sod–lithogenic soils on red-brown clays. The results of correlation analysis indicate that the formation of structure elements of heterogeneity of studied area of soil occurs under a persistent influence of negative feedbacks with the distribution of hardness values identified in the previous year. The identified elements of spatial organization of lithogenic to red-brown clay with their size, shape, nature of the relationship may be named as elements of heterogeneity of soil that are natural elements of soil as a natural body. Structural integrity, individuality, depending on the environmental conditions allows including the edaphic structural elements found in the category of soil ekomorf.
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