A. I. Tokaryuk, I. I. Chorney, V. V. Budzhak



The article presents data on floristic composition, coenotical structure, syntaxonomic position, and sozological features of grass-mixed meadow-steppe complexes with high floristic richness on the territory of Pidokruh area (Bukovinian Precarpathia). They belong to the Brachypodio pinnati-Molinietum arundinaceae Klika 1939 association of the Festuco-Brometea Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex Soу 1947 class. It was revealed 146 species of higher vascular plants in the species-rich communities of the association. 4 of them are included in the current edition of the Red Data Book of Ukraine. These are Gymnadenia conopsea (L.) R. Br., Lilium martagon L., Pulsatilla grandis Wender, and Chamaecytisus albus (Hacq.) Rothm. Some species on this territory need protection at the regional level, for example Aster amellus L., Crepis praemorsa (L.) Tausch and Ferulago sylvatica (Besser) Rchb. According to the data received by synphytoindication method using of unified phytoindication scales, the association communities are formed in the submesophytic (Hd – 10.40), hemihydrocontrastophilic (fH – 6.36), neutrophilic (Rc – 8.36), semieutrophic (Sl – 7.67), hemicarbonatophilic (Ca – 8.27) and heminitrophilic (Nt – 5.04) conditions. These communities need a preservation with the approp­riate regime of management (regular cutting). They belong to the Natura 2000 settlements, in particular 6210 “Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies on calca­reous substrates (* important orchid sites). Some small fragments of the described communities are protected on the territory of “Malyovanka” botanical reserve of local value. It is necessary to expand the area of the existing object by incorpora­ting the nearest meadow complexes and establishing the status of national significance for the “Malyovanka” botanical reserve.


meadow vegetation, Brachypodio pinnati-Molinietum arundinaceae, Bukovinian Precarpathia


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