The pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) became the most typical pollutants of the surface waters. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the combine exposure to the common compounds of the municipal effluents, constituent of plastics bisphenol A (BPA) and popular medicine nifedipine (Nfd), on the model organism, a mussel Unio tumidus. Male U. tumidus were exposed for 14 days to the combination of Nfd (10 μM) and BPA (0.88 nM). The indices of oxidative stress, metabolic, immune and endocrine activity, metal balance, as well as the manifestations of toxicity were detected. The exposure caused the features known for the effect of Nfd: the activation of the oxidative stress response, particularly Cu, Zn-superoxide dismutase (by 6.0 times), glutathione and oxyradical levels, metabolic shift to the anaerobiosis due to the elevated level of lactate in the digestive gland. The manifestation of endocrine disruption typical for the BPA effect - the increased level of alkali-labile phosphates (vitellogenin-like proteins) in gonads was detected. The caspase-3 related apoptotic activity was suppressed; whereas the cathepsin D mediated proteolysis and immune response of phenoloxidase were up-regulated significantly. The signs of geno-, neuro- and cytotoxicity were detected. These results detect that the approximation of the experimental conditions to the environmentally realistic situation could assist the comprehensive forecasting of the effects of utilized PPCPs for the aquatic animals.
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