Airborne ragweed (Ambrosia) and pigweed (Chenopodiaceae) pollen concent-ration in central part of Poland (Warta Landscape Park) and western part of Ukraine (Lviv city) was studied. In both regions, higher concentration of Ambrosia pollen comparing to Chenopodiaceae pollen was recorded, despite of pigweed population was significantly more abundant on the territory of Poland and western Ukraine. In peaks of pollination, the Ambrosia pollen concentration reached high level of 50–60 pollen grains per cubic metre of air (p.g./m3) and Chenopodiaceae pollen concentration amounted 25 p.g./m3 in Lviv and 15 p.g./m3 in Wielkapolska region. Three peaks of Ambrosia pollination were observed in Ukraine and in Poland with several days delay in Poland. Because of absence of Ambrosia population in neighborhood of Poznan, it was suggested that a long distance transportation from the territory of Ukraine took place. Aeropalynological monitoring in the eastern regions of Europe can provide preventive information about critical periods of allergenic plants pollination.
Full Text:
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