Background. The Herbarium of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (LW) is one of the oldest herbaria in Ukraine. It was established in 1783 by Prof. B. Schiwerek. At present, its holdings are estimated at 300,000 specimens, including about 2000 type ones. Scientific processing of herbarium collections, their digitization, and cataloging are in progress. In 2002, the Herbarium of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv was included in the State Register of Scientific Objects of Ukraine that have the national heritage status. The aim of this study was to compile a list of Juncaceae type specimens of the Herbarium LW.
Material and Methods. In the Herbarium LW, specimens of Juncaceae were analyzed. The authentic specimens of other herbaria were studied on JSTOR Global Plants. Using SimpleMappr, we created a map of loci classici of the type specimens names housed in this herbarium. Acronyms of herbaria are given according to the Index Herbariorum.
Results. In the Herbarium of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, we found authentic specimens of six names: Juncus bulbosus var. salinus Schur, Juncus czetzii Schur, Juncus kotschyi Boiss., Juncus lampocarpus var. viviparus Schur, Juncus transsilvanicus Schur, Luzula alpigena Schur. For each name, we provide: 1) nomenclatural citation, 2) information from the protologue, 3) the text of the herbarium label of the type specimen kept in the Herbarium LW, 4) herbarium specimen number, 5) notes. Most of the authentic specimens are kept in F. Schur’s nominative collection.
Conclusions. Six authentic specimens of Juncaceae are kept in the Herbarium LW: one isolectotype and 5 syntypes. Collectors of type specimens are F. Schur and T. Kotschy. The geographic areas of the Juncaceae type collection include 2 countries: Romania and Iran. At present, all of these names belong to synonyms.
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