Background. Numerous scientific and industrial studies have proven the high effectiveness of using micronutrients in nanoscale form in agricultural crop cultivation technologies. Among them, special attention is drawn to soybeans, which hold a leading position in terms of sown areas among other leguminous crops in the country. They can provide up to 70 % of their own nitrogen needs through the fixation of its molecular form from the atmosphere in symbiosis with Bradyrhizobium japonicum nodulating bacteria. New methods of molecular biology, biotechnology, and genetic engineering, along with classical methods of microbiology, plant physiology, genetics, and agrochemistry, allow for addressing both fundamental questions regarding the characteristics of formation and functioning of legume-rhizobial systems, and practical approaches to correcting the interactions between symbiotic partners with the aim of creating highly effective symbioses. Therefore, research aimed at significant increasing the current level of biological nitrogen fixation and adapting symbiotic systems to negative environmental factors is currently relevant. The use of nanotechnology, in particular, the study of the effect of iron, germanium, and cobalt nanocarboxylates on the formation and functioning of the soybean-rhizobial symbiosis under field conditions in combination with seed inoculation with rhizobial bacteria may be promising.
Materials and Methods. The objects of the investigation were symbiotic systems created with the participation of the Almaz variety of soybean and the Bradyrhizobium japonicum B1-20 rhizobacteria, and with the introduction of nanocarboxylates of iron (Fe), germanium (Ge) and cobalt (Co) into their cultivation medium. Physiological, microbiological, biochemical, and statistical research methods were used.
Results. It was found that under field conditions, before the pod formation stage, the vegetative mass of soybean plants inoculated with rhizobial bacteria with the introduction of nanoparticles of carboxylates of iron, germanium, or cobalt into their cultivation medium was at the level of control plants or slightly exceeded them. It has been shown that under the effects of chelated micronutrients, the number of root nodules increased compared to control plants during the flowering and pod formation stages, and their mass was greater from the three trifoliate leaf stage, which ensured efficient functioning of the legume-rhizobial symbiosis. It has been noted that the used metal nanocarboxylates promote active functioning of the symbiotic apparatus in soybean plants, as an increase in nitrogen-fixing activity was observed at the stages of three trifoliate leaf development and flowering, ranging from 26–70 % depending on the microelement used.
Conclusions. During field cultivation of soybeans, the effectiveness of pre-sowing seed inoculation with Bradyrhizobium japonicum B1-20 rhizobia was demonstrated through the introduction of iron, germanium, or cobalt nanocarboxylates into their cultivation medium. This opens up opportunities for increasing the efficiency of symbiotic systems of soybeans.
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