N. V. Kondratiuk, H. V. Vashchylin, O. Z. Zarichna, L. A. Gagalovska, R. I. Sybirna



Sensitivity to the antibacterial drugs of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis stock cultures taken from the patients for lung tuberculosis was tested. The estimation of the effectiveness of using the tests of the estimation of the sensitivity in the fully automated system Bactec MGIT-960 with using the ready Kit with the antimycobacterial agents Bactec MGIT-960 SIRE KIT and according to the method of proportions after Kennetti, with using the Kits of antimycobacterial agents of Indian company Tulip diagnostics (P) Ltd. Were performed was established that the bacterial resistance to isoniazid and streptomycin coincided with the results of both methods for 96.9%, to the ethambutol – 93.8%. The last one was registered by the detection of the resistance to rifampicyn – 73.8%. Time of receiving the results in the fully automated system Bactec MGIT-960 ranged from 6 to 13 days whereas according to the method of proportions, it was 20–24 days.


Mycobacterium tuberculosis, antimycobacterial agents, resistance, multiresistant stock cultures


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