H. Fesenko, І. Shydlovskyy

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/sbi.0603.228


Distribution of birds on the globe’s surface is a subject to the division on land and zoogeographical regions which are characterized by specific features that display owing to presence of so-called demonstrative species. The paper presents an analysis of the avifauna Notogea and Neogea, significant differences and the uniqueness of species richness of the zoogeographic lands and gives a representation of the current state of distribution of demonstrative bird species on the planet. It is proposed to change the name of the Papuan zoogeographical subregion on Papua to agree it with the origin of the country, as it was done else where. It is also proposed to include the Antarctic in Notogea zoogeographical land which is a specific territory with the original and endemic fauna. It also has a number of bird species that are common for New Zealand, Australian and Polynesian regions of the same land.


Zoogeography, land and zoogeographical region, Notogea, Neogea, demonstrative species, distribution of birds are endemic


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