N. Ya. Kyyak, L. V. Bunyo



Complex analysis of the morphological and physiological adaptive reactions of moss Bryum argenteum growing under the conditions of crude oil contamination has been carried out. It has been shown that plant resistance depended on the state of pigmental system. A increase in anthocians and carotenoids content under the conditions of oil contamination has been revealed. The mechanisms of physiological adaptation of B argenteum plants to water deficit induced by the crude oil contamination have been ana­lysed. High regeneration ability of B. argenteum bulbils under the conditions of water deficit was experimentally shown. A decrease in water potential and increase of osmotic protectors (sugars and proline) content in the plants cells of B. argenteum growing on crude oil polluted territory, have been demonstrated. An increase in general antioxidant activity of low-molecular antioxidants in the B. argenteum plants under the conditions of crude oil contamination has been established. The role of nonspecific physiological adaptation mechanisms in forming moss B. argenteum resistance to the influence of unfavorable factor is discussed.


oil pollution, pigments, water potential, soluble sugars, proline, antioxidative activity, regenerative ability of bulbils, Bryum argenteum


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