Influence of the bryophyte cover on water and temperature regimes of technogenic substrates of the rock dumps was investigated. It was established that moisture content in the substrate under the moss turf increased and the temperature mostly decreased compared with the technogenic soil without moss cover in summer. Water regime of substrate on the studied areas depended on position on the dump and higher degree of overgrowing by vascular plants. It is noted that under the impact of the negative factors of transformed environment (of high temperature and high light intensity, moisture deficiency) phenolic compounds, free proline and soluble sugars content in moss gametophyte increased. In the changing conditions of existence protection mechanisms of mosses implemented primarily through active synthesis of free proline and phenols. The number of carbohydrates in plant tissue changed with little difference: probably, their action was offset by other biologically active connections (for example, free proline). Iminoacid content in plants Ceratodon purpureus depended both on the water and temperature regime in substrate and other abiotic stress factors of environment. The content of phenolic compounds was the largest on the terrace of dump Central Enrichment Factory under high temperature of technozem and significant influence of the sunlight.
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