A. A. Halushka, T. B. Peretyatko, S. P. Gudz



Influence of hydrogen sulfide on the cell wall proteins composition of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeasts is investigated. H2S considerably destroys the outer mannoprotein layer of the cell wall. The content of most of the covalently bound cell wall proteins, particularly, proteins with molecular weights 17, 24, 32, 37 and 53 kDa, is considerably decreased during yeasts’ cultivation with 10 mM of hydrogen sulfide for one day. The content of reducing sugars in the medium increased at the presence of hydrogen sulfide. At H2S concentration 20 and 30 mM none of the covalently bound cell wall proteins were observed. Among the non-covalently bound cell wall proteins of S. cerevisiae, the increase of proteins with molecular weights 110, 64, 51, 49, 26, 25, 23 and 16 kDa content and the decrease of proteins with molecular weights 42, 40, 29 and 27 kDa content is observed under the influence of 10 mM of hydrogen sulfide during one day. Under the short-term (1 hour) influence of H2S at different concentrations the increase of proteins with molecular weights 98, 94, 84, 78, 71, 68, 61, 42, 40 and 32 kDa content and the decrease of protein with molecular weight 49 kDa content was observed.


Saccharomyces cerevisiae, hydrogen sulfide, cell wall


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