The effects of agmatine – product of L-arginine decarboxylation – on glucose utilization (on indicators of glucose tolerance test), glycosylated hemoglobin level, indices of the erythron system, counts of platelets, leukocytes and differential white blood cell count of rats’ peripheral blood under the condition of experimental diabetes mellitus (EDM) were investigated. Conducting the oral glucose tolerance test it was determined that agmatine treatment at 1st day experiment and within 14 days leads to slower dynamics and degree of glucose absorption in control animals. Glycemic curve in diabetic animals under treatment with agmatine within 14 days was similar to control, which may be due to slow intake of sugars in the gastrointestinal tract and uniform loading on the insular apparatus throughout the digestion process The treatment with agmatine of control animals did not cause statistically significant changes in the indices of the blood system, but led to decrease in the glucose concentration to physiological values and normalization of the percentage of segmented neutrophils, monocytes and peripheral blood lymphocytes in diabetic group. Such changes reflect the positive effect of agmatine on hematological parameters and functioning of the immune defense of the organism in EDM.
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