The effect of copper (0.005 and 0.05 mg×L-1) and manganese ions (0.17 and 1.7 mg×L1), thiocarbamate (Tatoo 9.1 and 91 ug×L-1) and tetrazine (Apollo, 2 and 10 ug×L-1) pesticides on metal content in the tissues of crucian carp Carassius auratus gibelio from two sites, relatively clean (Z) and polluted (B), under exposure during 14 days was studied. In fish from the clean site the copper, zinc, and manganese (in liver) concentration has been higher than in fish from polluted site, whereas cadmium, and manganese (in gills) concentration, was lower. The ratio of essential metals copper, zinc and manganese concentration to nonessential cadmium concentration was twofold higher in tissues of crucian carp from clean site. Significant effect both of site and exposure on the metal concent in the tissues of fish was proved. According to Principal Component Analysis, the difstinctions between the groups of animals from different aquatic bodies under the same substance effect independently of its concentration was proved. Dependence on the concentration of acting substance was revealed only for copper in the gibel carp from polluted site. The concentration of acting metal increased for copper after treatment by 0.005 mg×L-1 (in the giils of fish from group B) and for manganeze after the treatment by 0.17 mg×L-1 (in the liver of fish from group B) and 1.7 mg×L-1 (with exception of gills in fish from group B). The decreasing of the ratio of concentrations of copper, zinc and manganeze to concentration of cadmium was shown in the gills of fish from clean site under all exposures and after the effect of Apollo in all cases. Negative interrrelation was detected by the linear regression analysis for zinc and cadmium content in fish tissues.
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