The influence of IP3 on Ca2+-, Na+,K+-ATPase and basal Mg2+-ATPase activity of rat hepatocytes membranes was studied in control and after perfusion of liver by insulin-containing solution. It was established that in control, IP3 increased specific activity of Ca2+-ATPase by (56 ± 13)% (Р < 0.05, n = 6) and basal Mg2+-ATPase by (52 ± 10)% (Р < 0.01, n = 6). After perfusion of liver with insulin-containing solution, it was found that application of IP3 to membrane vesicules of hepatocytes caused only increase in basal Mg2+-ATPase activity by (68 ± 12)% (Р ≤ 0.01, n = 5). IP3 did not cause changes in Na+,K+-ATPase specific activity in control, or after liver perfusion by the insulin-containing solution. At the same time the perfusion of liver by the insulin-containing solution preveanted IP3-induced increase specific activity of Ca2+-ATPase and no effect on IP3-induced increase in the activity of basal Mg2+-ATPase.
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