R. Dmytrakh



Characteristics of intrapopulation organization of heterosexual plant species under the influence of different environmental factors is presented. It was established that is sexual differentiation, functional features, ability recruitment and survival most important criteria of populations. Among basic factors which influence the intrapopulation structure are natural (ecological, coenotic) and antrogenci factors. It was found that sex ratio of individuals in populations is an individual index and characterizes their different reaction on changing terms and capacity at reproduction. Accordingly, mechanism of realization of their adaptation potential variously affects the ability of populations to survival in changing conditions of environment. Changes taking place in populations of heterosexual plant species are direct by dependent on their intensity. On the basis of conducted study, the purpose of protection of biodiversity of populations of heterosexual plant species is grounded. Application of differentiated mode of protection and conduction of regular monitoring studies for forecasting their dynamic tendencies and possible consequences of changes is necessery.


populations, sexual differentiation, functional feature, influence of factors, protect


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