DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/sbi.0702.281
Peculiarities of migration, biometrics and stopover ecology of Common Sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos L.) in the Cholgini ornithological reserve (West Ukraine) are discussed. Main autumn passage of the species occurs from second decade of July to second decade of August. Average number of migrants per one count didn’t exceed 2–3 individuals. Mean passage date on autumn migration was 30 July. First quartile – 19 July, second – 15 August. Frequency distributions of all biometrical measurements except of weight were unimodal. Average stopover length equals 3.9 days. Potential flight range of juvenile birds reaches 3 901 km, adult – 4 602 km. Therefore, fat reserves deposited in the reserve are not enough to reach main wintering grounds in Central Africa. On the studied territory Common Sandpipers migrate as S-strategists, depositing fat reserves during long time period. This is also confirmed by high fat amounts in that species and high potential flight range in comparison to other species of waders.
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