V. Rodinkova



Since the birch pollen is one of the most important recognized pollen allergen of Europe the aim of our study was to determine the abundance, timing and distribution pattern of Betula pollen in the Ukrainian cities of forest-steppe and steppe zones. The obtained results showed that the season duration is inversely proportional to the intensity of pollen load of this plant. The greatest intensity and the highest peaks were observed in the forest-steppe zone – in Poltava and Vinnitsa. Donetsk, Odesa, Dnipropetrovsk and Simferopol were next in intensity and peak height descending. A significant number of gaps during birch pollen registration period in the steppe zone supports the idea of pollen migration from the neighboring areas to cities of study. The worst period for birch pollen sensitizes in Ukraine can be determined as the second and third decade of April. The permanent aerobiology observation is recommended in the cities of interest, since can produce accurate pollen forecast in a combination with meteorological control.


hay fever, birch pollen, aeropalynological observation, pollen forecast


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