H. Fesenko, I. Shydlovskyy

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/sbi.0701.264


Natural separation of the Earth’s surface on lands and zoogeographic regions causes presence of demonstrative species that occur only in certain geographical latitudes. Review of avifauna of the Paleogea and Arctogea, description of significant differences in species richness and uniqueness of the zoogeographical lands, as well as the Ukrainian names of demonstrative bird species is proposed for the first time. Description of all zoogeographic regions and subregions of Notogea, Neogea, Paleogea and Arctogea is completed. Uniqueness of diversity of bird species in these regions gives us an idea about current distribution of the endemic birds and existance of natural centers of origin of animals on our planet.


Zoogeography, zoogeographical land and region, Paleogea, Arctogea, demonstrative species, bird distribution, endemic


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