The walls of the stomach are adapted to function under variable pressure and temperature, thus, analysis of thermomechanokinetical properties of its smooth muscles deserves special attention. In this paper, changes of work on visсoelastic deformation of smooth muscle rat antrum under differing temperatures of physiologically reasonable range (22–48°C) were studied. At deformation of smooth muscle, greatest work is performed within the physiologically relevant temperatures (28–37°С), reaching a maximum value at the moderate cooling (28–31°С). In the left (22–25°C) and right (40–48°С) parts of the temperature ranges of application of similar magnitude of the deforming force f leads to the implementation of the system relatively less (40%) work. The characteristic value indicating system sensitivity to cold and heat, is a half-maximal work ∆A1/2 (the work that must be performed to cause semimaximal stretch of smooth muscle strip). The maximum value of the ∆A1/2are observed in the temperature range 28–31°C, decreasing at a deviation to the right and the left. Thus, the most effective (relative of conducting the work) is a function of muscular system in the temperature range from small cooling to normal temperature (28–37°C).
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