L. V. Bunio, O. M. Tsvilynjuk



In the field and laboratory experience oil pollution influence (5 %) on biological activity of sod-podzolic soil of Borislav with phytorecultavion activity of plants C. hirta was estimated. The carried out examinations have demonstrated low cellulose activity as in the background and model soil. In the oil-polluted soil, we determined higher resistance of urease compared to cellulase. Cellulase activity decreased, and urease activity increased at the oil pollution. Potential biological activity was higher in comparison with actual both at background and in oil-polluted soil. Oil contamination incremented anaerobic process of cellulose decomposing. Destruction of cellulose of filter disks from a soil surface was slower, than filter disks from beneath soil. The carried out examinations have demonstrated, that growth of C. hirta influenced variation of biological activity of oil-polluted soil. Growth of plants C. hirta enriched biological properties of the oil-polluted soil. In rhizosphere region of plants actual and potential activity was higher compared to a space between rows. Cellulase and urease activity of the background and oil-polluted soil in rhizosphere region of plants C. hirta was incremented compared to a row-spacing.


sod-podzolic soil, actual and potential activity, oil contamination, rhizosphere, row-spacing, Carex hirta L.

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