T. P. Karpovets, V. V. Konopelnyuk, O. M. Savchuk, L. I. Ostapchenko

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/sbi.0803.390


Key metabolites and enzymes of rat brain serotonin biosynthesis pathway under the development of obesity induced by the consumption of 10% fructose solution, have been studied. A reduction of tryptophan by 60±10 % (p < 0.05, n = 10), 5-hydroxytryptophan, a direct precursor of serotonin biosynthesis, and by 52±15 % (p < 0.05, n = 10) and serotonin by 45±18 % (p < 0.05, n = 10), respectively, has been found. A reduction in the activity of serotonin biosynthetic pathway key speed limiting enzyme –tryptophan hydroxylase by 30±2 % (p < 0.05, n = 10), and reduction of tryptophan decarboxylase activity by 58±10 % (p < 0.05, n = 10) in the brain of rats of experimental group has been found. The increase of monoamine oxidase activity in the rat brain after 10-week consumption of 10% fructose solution by 62±27 % (p < 0.05, n = 10) has been discovered. These results testify a violation of the biosynthesis of serotonin in the development of fructose-induced obesity, and indicate possible involvement of serotoninergic neurotransmitter system of brain in the development and progression of this multifactorial disease.


serotonin, tryptophan, tryptophan hydroxylase, monoamine oxidase, obesity, fructose


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