O. O. Perepelytsia, O. I. Smetanjuk, K. P. Kupchanko



The influence of edaphic and geographic factors on accumulation of fluorides by the plants of the species growing on the territory with deficit of fluorine was studied. To assess the influence of geographic factors on the content of fluorine in the soil–plant system the influence of the macrorelief was studied by comparing the fluorides’ content depending on plants’ habitat in different physical-geographical areas of the Chernivtsi region; the influence of mesorelief was also studied by comparison of fluorides’ content in plants growing on the slopes, plains, dry and inundable ecotopes. The ability of the plants from Bidens tripartitа L. species to accumulate fluorides in favorable growing conditions was observed. It was determined that high soil adsorption capability adversely affects the accumulation of fluorides. The impact of plants’ habi­tat on the fluorides’ content in the plants from Bidens tripartitа L. species is related to the content of water-soluble fluorine forms in the soil and to the increase of migrational capability (availability) of its active forms in the conditions of increased moiste­ning. It was proven that the content of fluorides in plants growing on plain meadows is determined by water-soluble and active forms of fluorine, and the content of fluorides in the over- and underground parts of plants from inundable meadows is higher than in plants from dry lands. Variability of fluorides’ content in the plants from Bidens tripartitа L. species depends on physical-chemical characteristics of the soil, natural environment and climatic conditions of plants’ growth.


plants, meadow biotopes, fluorides, accumulation, factors


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