Background. The article presents the results of the research on bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) that occur in the city of Lviv. Bees are one of the most important pollinators of many species of angiosperm plants. Research on species diversity of bees is very important not only on the wild nature territories, but also on the urbanized areas. Cities have a significant impact on bee species diversity, their biology and conservation. A comprehensive study of all Apoidea on the whole territory of the city of Lviv has been conducted for the first time in more than 80 years and we hope that the presented materials will lay the foundation for further more detailed studies in this area.
Materials and Methods. Lviv is the largest city in Western Ukraine located on the eastern edge of the Roztochia Upland. The material was collected during the warm period of 2017–2019. The Moericke (yellow) pan traps and the entomological nets were used. Besides, we collected dead bees (killed by traffic) along the roads. W have analyzed the entomological collection of the Zoological Museum of the Ivan Franko National University [ZMD] (Lviv). The stereoscopic microscope and a variety of specialized keys for bee species identification were used. We used the Shannon’s diversity index to assess species diversity. We also calculated the Shannon evenness measure to facilitate the interpretation of the results.
Results. We analyzed 960 specimens of bees that belong to 106 species, 25 genera and 6 families.
The current (second) part of our study deals with review of the Colletidae (3 species), Halictidae (22 species), Megachilidae (11 species) and Melittidae (5 species) families. Species diversity of the bees from Andrenidae and Apidae families was analyzed in previous (first) the part of our research [27].
Conclusions. All species from the six families are native for the territory of Europe. The majority of them are polylectic (≈ 61 %), while the number of oligolectic species (≈ 23 %), or species that do not need to collect pollen (≈ 16 %) is much smaller. The Shannon’s diversity index is approx. 3.718 and the Shannon evenness measure is 0.799 (the honeybee Apis mellifera was excluded in both calculations). Analysis of the impact of urbanization and various environmental factors on the species diversity of bees requires further detailed studies.
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