In this article, the interrelation of key species with the biotic diversity in the ecosystems is considered. Attention is drawn to actual scientific problem of the biodiversity research of all variety forms and on all of its levels. The further humankind existence depends on the solution of the problem. It is possible to conduct biodiversity research in two aspects: integral (global) and differential (local). These aspects differ in final results and their outlay sources for the realization. Knowledge of total biodiversity on the planet is a result of global approach, and the knowledge of certain groups of organisms (taxonomic, ecological etc.) for the certain territory is the result for local approach. Both of them substantially differ in methodology approaches.
One of the effective methodology approaches for study of the local biodiversity is a study of key species’ role in its development. In this work, the following categorization of key species is accepted: ecological, protective, economical, social, adventitious etc. The examples of the role of key species in the development of species diversity in ecosystems are reviewed. In particular, it was ascertained that such ant species as Lasius niger and L. flavus settle abandoned arable lands in mass, create specific micro-landscapes there, and influence positively on the development and growth of some grass plant species. European mole Talpa europaea changes soil structure significantly and has a huge influence on plant species diversity due to its burrowing activity. Such species of amphibians as Fire-bellied toad Bombina bombina, Crested newt Triturus cristatus, Moor frog Rana arvalis, Spadefoot Pelobates fuscus, Green toad Bufotes viridis etc. are worthy of notice as the indicators of environment (habitat) status.
The attention is drawn to the consortive analysis as the most effective instrument in the research of interrelations between key species and biodiversity. The analysis is focused on the research of obligate and facultative organisms of different taxonomic groups which are functioning as a whole.
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