Changes in vitality of populations of rare arctic-alpine plant species (Anemone narcissiflora, Bartsia alpina, Saussurea alpina, Pedicularis oederi) of the Ukrainian Carpathians in the highland habitats under the influence of climatic factors were analyzed. Population vitality was investigated according to individual diagnostic parameters – vitality of individuals, population vitality index, population quality index, and according to population parameters – density, total and effective quantity.
It was established that during 2010–2018, the vitality of the Saussurea alpina population on the Shpyci Mount remained average. The uneven distribution of individuals on habitat area and complex spatial structure of the population loci positively affected the vitality of the Saussurea alpina population on Mt. Shpyci. Individuals of different vitality levels and heterogeneous structure according to morphometric parameters were observed in population.
A decrease in population vitality and flowering gaps of generative individuals were observed in Saussurea alpina population on Mt. Petros due to climatic changes, intrapopulation processes, and anthropogenic stress.
The upper locus of the only population of Pedicularis oederi in Ukraine between Brebeneskul and Munchel mountains underwent transformation, in particular, drying out of suitable habitats due to climate change. The population also underwent periodic anthropogenic influence as a result of grazing, which leads to unstable demographic trends – decrease in the habitat area, number of adults and generative individuals, coefficient of generative reproduction etc.
A vitality of the Anemone narcissiflora population behind Nesamovyte Lake remains high. During 2011–2018, the total population size increased due to subsenile and senile individuals, while a number of the pregenerative individuals and the effective population size decreased.
An increase in ontogenesis polyvariability, density of individuals, recovery index, number of pregenerative individuals and decrease in number of generative individuals are observed in Bartsia alpina population on Mt. Rebra due to overgrowth of the habitat by highdensity plants and shrub species (Juncus trifidus, Vaccinium myrtillus and Rhododendron myrtifolium). Clonal reproduction was intensified. Rejuvenation of populations and a increase in pregenerative phases duration, in particular – immature and virginile periods, were observed.
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