S. L. Zhygalova, I. G. Olshanskyi, O. A. Futorna



On the basis of critical processing of numerous literary sources and herbarium materials, information on a systematic position, morphological structure, ecological affiliation, geographical distribution and state of conservation of Chamaedaphne calyculata (L.) Moench are summarized. Chamaedaphne calyculata refers to the monotype genus Chamaedaphne from the family of heather (Ericaceae). Chamaedaphne calyculata – marsh and forest-marsh species of plants. In Ukraine, it is a glossy (Pleistocene) relic on the southern border of distribution, listed in the Red Data Book of Ukraine (2009), in a “vulnerable” status. Plant community dominated by C. calyculata are included in the Green Book of Ukraine (2009). Chamaedaphne calyculata has medicinal properties, as well as decorative, soil-protective, peatforming value. This species of plants is distributed in countries neighboring the Ukraine: Poland, Belarus, Russia. In the south of Belarus, it happens sporadically, and in Poland it is a rare plant species. In Ukraine, there are only a few C. calyculata localities. Using the SimpleMappr resource, we created a distribution map of this type. It has been determined that Ccalyculata is protected in several objects of the nature reserve fund of Ukraine: Rivne and Polissya nature reserves, Vutvitsky, Svaricevitsky and Khinitsky botanical reserves of nation-wide importance. According to the results of analysis of literary data, we came to a con­clusion that this species requires the study of the current state of populations. Since most C. calyculata herbarium specimens were collected in the 50s and 70s of the last century, these localities require confirmation. It is also necessary to search for new localities of this species of plants. In view of the fact that not all C. calyculata habitats are protected we emphasize that, it is necessary to create new objects of the natural reserve fund of Ukraine or to expand the existing ones.


Ericaceae, Chamaedaphne, Red Data Book of Ukraine


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