V. Baranov, S. Tehlivets



Studying of plant growth stimulants is an important task for scientists. Triacontanol Н3С(СН2)28СН2ОН is a fatty alcohol, also known as melicylic alcohol or myricyl alcohol found in cuticular waxes of plants, and is a part of beeswax. Triacontanol was first discovered as a component of alfalfa cuticular wax Medicago sativa L. Study of the biological activity of this alcohol began in the last century and continues in different countries. Industrial produced triacontinol sample obtained from the beeswax contains impurities of other fatty alcohols that can neutralize the effect of the triacontanol. Study of the industrial produced triacontanol sample from Huzhou Sifeng Biochem Co.Ltd, China on growth and content of nitrates in sunflower and cucumber seedlings was conducted. In the industrial produced triakontanol used in our experiments, the composition of alcohols was as follows: triacontanol 95.6%, dotirancontanol 1.9 %, octacosanol 1.3 %, nonaccosanol 0.38 %, and the rest (less than 0.5 %) belong to heptacosanol and hexacosanol. Our studies have shown that the preparation at a concentration of 1 mg/L increases morphometric indices of sunflower seedlings and cucumbers, while the concentration of 25 mg/L reduces them, and the concentration of 10 mg/L is almost unaffected. With an increase of triacontanol concentration the content of nitrates decreased in both types of seedlings (however, within the statistical error), which may be explained by an increase in the intensity of the use of nitrates. Concomitant alcohols available in the industrial produced triacontanol sample, practically haven’t any effect. In our opi­nion, triacontanol can be applied in crop production to increase plant growth. Concentra­tion of 1 mg/L is the most effective, and therefore, available for use in agriculture, as well as for cultivation the of medicinal plants. Consequently, the use of triacontanol is an effective way to increase the size of plant seedlings, that may result in an increase in the yield of these plants.


triacontanol, plant growth, nitrates, Cucumis sativus L., Helianthus annus L.

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