A. Fetsiukh, L. Bunio, O. Patsula, O. Terek

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/sbi.1202.537


A review highlights current problems of the impact of the development of potassium ore in the city of Stebnyk on the environment. General characteristics of the deposit and a short historical essay are given, the most common salts are listed. Provided data on potassium content in minerals. Characterized structure of the substrate of the tailing storage and brine, which is formed as a result of the interaction of precipitation with the substrate. The saline composition of the brine of the southern part of Stebnyk tailings storage is given. Highlighted essence of ore processing and the complete processing of the solution with the obtaining of conditioned sodium chloride and bischofite. The article addresses on the tailings storage flora, examples of halophyte plants, that are distributed on the anthropogenic site, listed the dominant species. Three stages of succession, and the types of plants that represent them are described. The factors that influence formation and distribution on the territory of groups of plants are described, among them the level of concentration of salts in substrate and humidification. The distribution of the identified types of plants by hybrid types and structure of the underground shoots are considered. The role of vegetation in the processes of soil formation are discussed.


potassium, potassium ores, deposit of polymineral ores, tailings storage


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