The results of study of ecological features of synanthropic flora of central dense housing area of Lviv composed of species of 145 genera belonging to 56 families and 6 divisionis of plants, including bryophytes are presented. The analysis of published data and own field findings revealed that synanthropic fraction of flora consists of 184 species, 98 (63.6%) of which are apophytes, including 30 species of bryophytes (100 %), 56 (36.4 %) – adventive vascular plant species (including 31 species of archeophytes – (55.4 %) and kenophytes, comprising group of 25 (44.6 %). According to the way of entry, 33.9 % are considered to be xenophytes and 28.6 % are acolutophytes, and according to the degree of naturalization – epecophytes (76.8 %). We considered the main ecological features of synanthropic species in anthropogenically altered ecotopes, such as species relation to humidity, lighting, total salt regime of substrate, temperature. As for the ecological spectrum, the common characteristic for the flora of vascular plants and bryophytes is a predominance of mesotrophes, xeromesophytes and moderately thermophilic species, sub-heliophytes and heliophytes, The bryophytes are characterized by a wide range of adaptation to lighting and humidity. It is shown that epilithic bryophytes prevail in the city, and a smaller share is from epixylic mosses, epiphytes and partly epigeic species.
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