DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/sbi.1001.447
Microorganisms are able to damage wood, paper, paints and made from this materials chronicles, books etc. Indoor air microbiota of apartments of the Scientific Library of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv was analyzed. Air microbiota is a potential source of infecting of library founds. It was established that the amount of microorganisms in air was different dependently on season, temperature, humidity and isolation place (quantity at first layer level at middle at 2–7 folds high than at second layer level). 47 strains of fungi were isolated and identified. They make a threat for books in most probes of indoor air of library. These are fungi of Fusidium viride (4 %), Eidamella spinosa (2 %), Ulocladium sp. (2 %), Myxotrichum chartarum (2 %), Mortierella sp. (2 %), and representatives of genera Penicillium (62 %), Aspergillus (20 %), Mucor (2 %), Alternaria (4 %). In common, 89 % of isolated strains of micromycetes possess cellulase activity, among them 12 % − possess high activity (completely decompose the parer in experiment). There are fungi of Eidamella spinosa (1 strain) and representatives of genera Penicillium (3 strains), Alternaria і Ulocladium (one each strain). Old prints with visible marks of microbe damages were investigated. They are kept at department of manuscript, old prints and rarity books named after F. P. Maksymenko of the library, because of presence of living microorganisms. On all books were discovered microorganisms, which were isolated in pure cultures and were identified as strains of fungi Verticillium album and representatives of genera Penicillium, Mucor, Aspergillus (species A. fumigatus and A. wentii), and also sporulating bacteria of Bacillus genus. To decreasing of contamination by microorganisms of infected books and to verification of action efficiency on micromycetes pure cultures was used disinfecting camera EK-21. Treatment of books and spores of fungi pure cultures in this camera (temperature 65±5 °C, humidity 60±5 %, formalin 100–150 ml) caused 100 % lethality of all present on it microorganisms. Thus, main important means of preventing of books biodamaging, which are maintenance in libraries, archives, museums, is conducting of systematic complex control of environment parameters and mycological monitoring of library apartments and objects of storage.
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