V. Lavrov, O. Blinkova, O. Ivanenko, Z. Polischuk



We investigated vitality, sanitary structure of Quercus robur and species, systematic, trophic, spatial structure of aphyllophoroid fungi on the example of “Koshik” forest in green zone of Bila Tserkva, that is under industrial and recreational impact. It was shown that consortial relations of aphyllophoroid fungi and Q. robur significantly depend on processes and phenomena which influence on development of forest ecosystem, formation of myco-horizons of stands, rates of accumulation of different categories of wood substrates for favorable settlement and development of xylotrophic fungi and certain levels of organization of consorts. Changes in structures of aphyllophoroid fungi on Q. robur indicate activation of pathological processes in fresh hornbeam-oak forest tract, but they are not closely related with distance from the granite quarry. To determine the parameters of the state and development consortial relation "xylotroph-tree" as a bioindicator of forest ecosystems state under the impact of several different factors (origin, spatial manifestation, time and character of the action, etc.) must consider overlapping of the effects of their actions on the principle of emergence.


co-adaptive system, aphyllophoroid fungi, Quercus robur L., granite quarry, recreational impact


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