V. Baranov, A. Banya, O. Karpenko, M. Prystai, E. Karpenko



The influence of biogenic surfactants on the morphometric and oxidative characteristics of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor subsp. drummondii) during its growth on waste dump substrates of coal mines was investigated. It was found that presowing seed treatment with biosurfactants solutions – rhamnolipid biocomplex (RBC) or trehalose lipid surfactants (TL) – improved growth and oxidative parameters of plants, indicating the increase of sorghum resistance to adverse growing conditions. The best results were achieved when sorghum was grown on red substrate: shoots mass was increased in 2.20 times with RBC and in 1.19 times with TL, the root mass – in 2.30 and 1.71 times. Changes in antioxidant indicators of plants suggested the reducing of negative impact of unfavorable environmental factors of waste dumps. The content of malonicdialdehyde in sorghum on the red substrate was reduced by 15 % with RBC and 11% with TL and on the black substrate indicators were within the control levels. Рhenols content on the black substrate was increased in variants with RBC – by 141 % or with TL – by 184 % relatively to control. The content of H2O2 on the red substrate was reduced – by 11 % with RBC and by 10 % with TL, on the black substrate was within the control. The reducing of phytotoxicity of waste dumps of coal mines after sorghum growth (from highest to middle level) was shown. Obtained results showed the perspectives of application of sorghum and biosurfactants for the phytoremediation of the technogenic affected soils.


waste dump substrates, coal mines, sorghum, biosurfactants, oxidative characteristics, phytoremediation


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