DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/sbi.0302.043
Hydrocarbons of crude oil are highly toxic to plants, microorganisms, invertebrates and they constitute a potential risk to human health. Phytoremediation is an effective technology which uses plants for cleaning up petroleum contaminated soils. We determined concentrations of organic osmolites (proline and soluble sugars) for evaluation of application of Carex hirta L. plant for phytoremediation. Soil received 0% (control) and 5% v/w of oil. Concentration of proline in young and old leaves of sedge plant under oil pollution decreased (2-fold and 1.7-fold, respectively), whereas in rhizomes increased (1.3-fold), compared to the control. Content of soluble sugars increased in young leaves (3.3-fold) and significantly decreased in old leaves (3.6-fold) of C. hirta plant subjected to oil pollution. The level of soluble sugars in rhizomes of treated sedge plant increased (2.2-fold). Based on the obtained results, following conclusions were done: (a) proline (as osmoregulatory solute) is important for absorption and transportation of water through underground rhizomes of sedge plant; (b) soluble sugars have a great value for osmoregulation process in rhizomes and young leaves of these plants. Thus, C. hirta can sustain growth in oil polluted soils due to the increase of osmotic potential of cells. That is why, this plant may be a good candidate for phytoremediation.
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