Myroslava Kobyletska, Yana Kavulych



Background. Salicylic acid is an important phytohormone in plants, influencing various functions such as senescence, respiration, and stress resistance. Despite extensive studies the role of salicylic acid in stress, its effects under normal conditions are less understood. This study explores the influence of salicylic acid on the biosynthesis of important biochemical compounds such as ascorbic acid, rutin, and other phenolic compounds in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), aiming to elucidate potential applications in agriculture.
Materials and Methods. Wheat variety 'Podolyanka' was treated with 0.05 mM salicylic acid and grown under controlled conditions. Biochemical analyses were studied on 7, 10 and 20 days of growth to using the spectrophotometric method for the determination of ascorbic acid, rutin, total phenolic compounds, anthocyanins, flavonoids, and xanthones. Methods included chromatography on the plate with silicagel for rutin.
Results and Discussion. Salicylic acid treatment significantly increased the ascorbic acid content in wheat shoots at all studied stages. There was also a notable increase in rutin content in the early growth phase. However, the content of other phenolic compounds, such as xanthones, generally decreased under salicylic acid treatment. Intriguingly, anthocyanin content was increased, suggesting a complex interaction within the biosynthetic pathways influenced by salicylic acid. The study also revealed correlations among different phenolic compounds, indicating intertwined metabolic pathways.
Conclusion. Salicylic acid enhances the biosynthesis of specific phenolic compounds like ascorbic acid and rutin in wheat, which can have implications for agricultural practices aiming at improving plant resilience and nutritional quality. The differential impact of SA on various phenolic compounds underscores the complexity of plant biochemical pathways and highlights the need for further research to fully understand these interactions and their practical applications.


Triticum aestivum L., salicylic acid, phenolic compounds, ascorbic acid, rutin, anthocyanins, xanthones, flavonoids

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