Analysis of literature and obtained experimental data concerning the biological role of nitrosyl complexes of hemoglobin were carried out. The contemporary understanding of molecular mechanisms of forming, metabolism and deposition of nitric oxide was generalized. The enzymatic and non-enzymatic pathways of NO-forming were described, as well as the key enzymes of nitric oxide cycle and their regulation. The role of erythrocytes in NO deposition was thoroughly studied and biological functions of nitrosyl complexes of hemoglobin were investigated. The review presents obtained data for nitrosation/nitrosylation of deoxyhemoglobin in the in vitro system and the characteristics of changes in electronic spectra of deoxyhemoglobin and nitrosylhemoglobin under experimental diabetes mellitus. Advisability and prospectiveness of further investigation of proteins’ modification by products of NO-metabolism were substantiated in order to search for ways of correction and diagnostics of pathologies with various etiologies.
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