M. V. Pirogov



12 species of lichens from Peltigeraceae Dumort. family are cited an instance for Roztochya region on the basis of the referenced data and own collections. Among them, 8 species occur on Ukrainian part of Roztochya. 4 species (Peltigera didactyla var didactyla, P. didactyla var. extenuata, P. malacea, P. praetextata and P. rufescens) were adduced for the first time for this territory. P. didactyla var. extenuata was adduced for the first time for Ukraine. Ecological, coenotic and geographical features of the cited species were analyzed in article. Plant communities in which investigated lichens occur or probably occur were subjected to syntaxonomic analysis.


lichens, Peltigeraceae, ecological, coenotic and geographical analysis


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