M. O. Starykovych, R. S. Stoika, Yu. Ya. Kit



Earlier we have shown that immunoglobulin preparations derived from milk of healthy women by precipitation with 50% ammonium sulfate, possess toxic activity toward several transformed and tumor cells in vitro (Kit Y., and others, Biotechnology 2008). We hypothesized that cytotoxic effect was associated with the presence of cytotoxic anti-DNA sIgA-antibodies in the Ab preparations. To check this hypothesis, we have purified electrophoretic homogeneous anti-DNA sIgAs from human milk and stu­died their affect toward different tumor cells in vitro. Anti-DNA sIgAs were obtained by sequential chromatography on protein A-sepharose, DEAE-fractogel and DNA-cellulose columns. It was found that the sensitivity of studied cells to Ab changed in the order L929> L1210> Jurkat> Namalva. Annexin V – test , as well as DNA-fragmentation test showed that cell death under Abs action occurred by apoptosis.


human milk, colostrum, autoantibodies, anti-DNA sIgA, tumor cells, cytotoxicity


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