O. Smirnov, A. Kosyan, O. Kosyk



Flavonoids are important secondary plant metabolites with many and diverse key functions that belong to largest class of substances produced by plants – phenylpropanoids. These substances are of interested among plant and animal biochemists, plant pathologists, geneticists and biotechnologists. Flavonoids rutin and anthocyanin as herbal compounds characterized by physiological activity of a wide action spectrum: antiulcer, vitamin, antioxidant, stabilizing, ultraviolet radiation protecting, antitumor, tannic, etc. Therefore much attention has been attracted to biosynthesis of flavonoids and methods of its regulation and controlling. We determined concentration (2%) of growth regulator Cycocel (chlormequat chloride, CCC) that significantly raised anthocyanin and rutin levels in buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench.) plants. Thin-layer chromatography revealed an increase in total flavonoids content in leaves of test plants, which was: by 3.5 times for rutin and by 8 times for anthocyanin. The same concentration of CCC had induced phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activity by 2 times. Moreover, an increase in the flavonoids content correlated with enzyme activity induction. Thus, the growth regulator Cycocel is an activator of flavonoids metabolism. Treatment by CCC significantly increased content of secondary flavonoid metabolites and activity of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase – flavonoids biosynthesis regulatory enzyme.


Fagopyrum esculentum, flavonoids, rutin, anthocyanins, Cycocel

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