S. V. Zaika



A large body of literature covers the trophic connections of owls nowadays, but detailed studies of the diet selectivity are rather race. Any attempt to determine the cha­racter of owls’ diet selectivity, its influence on prey-species assemblages structure, intrapopulational structure of separate prey-species, and evolutional role of owls does not get to a satisfactory conclusion. The results of different researchers are often strait opposite: neither complement, nor deny them. Almost all papers, either experimental or proceed in the field, reveal the dependence of owls’ diet spectrum on the behavior features of predators of their own and, in a not less degree, on the prey-species’s behavior. Such a situation is related to investigators’ perception the owls’ diet selectivity as a permanent feature of given species. Future studies must be planned on the basis of perception the owls’ diet selectivity as a phenomenon, a fact not dependent on reasons which caused it. It will allow them to focus on reasons, i.e. some circumstances which caused unevenly prey elimination from nature by the predator. Investigation of these circumstances and factors yielded in context of owls’ diet selectivity, is rational to conduct under certain circumstances and in entirely natural zones scale. That will allow investigating the relationships in „predator-prey” system in more detail.


owls, diet selectivity, interspecies selectivity, intrapopulational selectivity


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