The morphometrical structure of populations of tailed amphibians in Chornohora highland have been studied. The insignificant variability of morphometrical parameters of Lissotriton montandoni and Mesotriton alpestris individuals were observed. The most conservative traits of individuals of these species include the length of the limbs (P.a., P.p.) and their ratio (P.p. / P.a.), and the most variable ones are length of head (L.c.) and indices associated with it ((L.–L.c.)/L.c.), the distance between the front and hind limbs (DiE). For two alpine newts species (both for males and for females) larger parameters of the body size, except the distance between the limbs (DiE) are characterized. A reducing of this parameter in the open landscape and the high vegetation, probably facilitates the movement of individuals, compared with populations of the forest zone. Under the condition of different types of Chornohora habitats (alpine and forest) L. montandoni and M. alpestris have some morphometric differences. Interpopulational variability of morphological parameters of L. montandoni and M. alpestris in Chornohora indicates an existence of at least two ecotypes: the first one is covering populations formed in habitats of the forest zone, while the second one was under the highland conditions.
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