R. Fluent

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/sbi.0603.246


The composition of Salmo trutta morpha fario trematodes’ fauna from Rybnyk Majdanskyj river in the Dniester basin of the northern slopes of the Eastern Carpathians has been determined. The seasonal dynamics of Brown trout trematoda contamination. The 8 species of trematoda have been found in studies of fishes. Besides of marita the 3 species of juvenile forms of genus Crepidostomum, Allocredium and Nicolla and 1 species metacerkaria T. clavata have been found. The composition of trematodes’ fauna seasonal studies was different. In the first half of spring the trout has been infected by 7 species of trematoda, behind them 2 juvenile form and 1 metacerkaria. Closer to summer the species diversity has been decreased to 4, with 1 juvenile form of Nicolla genus. In summer, however, the number of indentified species of parasites increased to 6. Among them two species of juvenile forms and 1 – metacerkaria. Autumn species diversity decreases again to 4, with 1 juvenile form Nicolla and 1 – T. clavata met. As it could be seen, the more of trematodes have been found in trout in early spring, at least one kind in summer, 4 in late spring and autumn. Several species have been found only in certain periods of the year, while representatives of 3 Nicolla Species in each study.


parasites’ fauna, Salmo trutta morpha fario, seasonal dynamics of trematoda, Dniestr basin, northern slopes of Eastern Carpathians


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