E. V. Fedonenko, N. B. Yesipova, O. N. Marenkov



The article presents the results of studies on the effectiveness of comprehensive ichthyological fish reproduction in Samara Bay and in the lower areas of Zaporozhian Reservoir during the growing season of 2011. We have conducted the Hydroecological assessment of basic feeding ground of the fish fry. Represented the characteristic of the biotope in which the species were caught. Determined the species composition and crop yields of fish fry in terms of abundance and biomass. Given the short biological characteristics of the fish fry of main commercial fish of littoral ichthyocenosis. Implemented the comparative analysis of the linear-weights of fish fry with fish Samara Bay and in the lower areas of Zaporozhian Reservoir. Established the differences in the linear-weighted indices of juvenile fish and their yields in different ecological parts of the reservoir. Identified species-dominant of littoral areas of reservoir. Determined that in the littoral biotopes Samara Bay and in the lower areas of Zaporozhian Reservoir in flow regulation observed dominance of low-grade non-target species: Chinese chebachok, Bitterling, Golden Carp, Round goby, Bleak, etc. Is marked lack press of predatory fish species and the critical condition of their natural replenishment.


Zaporozhian reservoir, Samara Bay, juvenile fish, abundance and biomass, linear-weight indices


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