V. Tsuber



Psychoemotional stress triggers a variety of pathological changes in the organism. Free radical oxidation is of particular importance in the stress-induced impact on health. Excessive formation or inefficient inactivation of free radicals are thought to disrupt metabolic processes. Balance of prooxidant and antioxidant components contributes to the outcome of adaptive processes. We examined effect of psychoemotional stress on activation of prooxidant-antioxidant system of whole saliva of young people. Gender differences of stress-induced change of the antioxidant protection were investigated. It was found that psychoemotional stress is accompanied by activation of antioxidant protection of the mouth. In the investigation of gender differences in stress-induced reaction of prooxidant-antioxidant system of whole saliva a more marked boost of antioxidant protection was found in women than in men.


psychoemotional stress, gender, whole saliva, prooxidant-antioxidant system, catalase


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