I. D. Grygorchuk

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/sbi.0602.217


The content of phytohormones in the generative organs of Persicaria amphibia (L.) Delarbre in different conditions of growth was studied. It was shown that the generative organs of water forms of P. amphibia were characterized by high indolil-3-acetic acid (IAA) and ethylene, and dry valley form – by more cytokinins (CK), abscisic acid (ABA) and gibberellins (GB). P. amphibia in land blossoms rare or underdeveloped forms a ge­nerative organs and we believe that revealed the contents of phytohormones is not associated with the processes of flowering. This may indicate previously determined by us (Gumenyuk I.D., 2008) coefficient of the balance of phytohormones (Bp) and the weight of dry matter, which were the lowest among the organs of the P. amphibia, which, in turn, indicates a low level of synthetic processes. Calculation of the value ABA / CK in the generative organs of both forms showed that in the dry valley form forms, this rate was less than unity, and there was less water in such form. Thus, we assume that P. amphibia in land acquires of stress tolerance properties, a major adaptive strategy which is to support vegetative growth. The content of phytohormones in the generative organs of Pamphibia provides, first of all, the processes of growth and adaptation of plants to changing growth conditions.


generative organs, phytohormones, growth, adaptation, Persicaria amphibia


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