O. M. Moroz, G. V. Yavorska, N. O. Muravel, I. R. Klym



During growth in medium with 3.5 mM Fe(III), the biomass and hydrogen sulfide formation level by isolated from technogenic reservoir of Yavoriv sulfur deposit bacteria Desulfovibrio desulfuricans IMV K-6 and Desulfuromonas acetoxidans decreased nearly twice, at concentrations up to 1.5 mM Fe(III) completely reduced by hydrogen sulfide to Fe(II) with formation of insoluble FeS. In medium with Fe(III) as sole electrons acceptor ferrum (III) at 0.5–3.5 mM concentrations reduced to Fe(II) by sulfate and sulfur reducing bacteria almost completely. Investigated bacteria may be used in the pro­cesses of water environment purification from toxic ferrum (III) compounds.


ferrum (III), sulfate and sulfur reducing bacteria, hydrogen sulfide


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