The phototrophic bacteria were isolated from water and silt of Saki lake (AR Crimea). The were brown-red coloured. This bacteria used hydrogen sulfide in anaerobic photosyntetical process and stored elemental sulfur inside the cells. According to physiological, biochemical, morphological properties, this bacteria was ascribed to Chromatiaceaе family. The 16S DNA gene sequence analysis based on using Blastn program revealed that investigated consecution has 94% similarity to Thiohalocapsa halophila, Thiorhodococcus bheemlicus, Marinimicrobium koreense, Marichromatium bheemlicum, and 93% similarity to Thiorhodococcus minor, Thiorhodovibrio winogradsky of Gammaproteobacteria domein. Based on the study of morphological, physiological characteristics and 16S rRNA nucleotide gene sequences, phototrophic purple bacteria of Sа-2010/А strain from water of Saki lake (AR Crimea) belong to Thiorhodococcus genus.
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